Ruth Levy is a litigator and regulatory attorney focusing on environmental and health care matters in federal, state and administrative courts throughout North Carolina and South Carolina. Ruth helps companies and individuals navigate these very different, but highly regulated fields. In the environmental realm, she has defended municipalities, manufacturers and more in various types of environmental litigation: such as CERCLA cost recovery actions, toxic tort defense, products liability multi-district litigation involving environmental contamination, and interbasin transfer disputes.  In health care, her experience includes defending companies and individuals accused of health care fraud and abuse violations.

Ruth Levy is a litigator and regulatory attorney focusing on environmental and health care matters in federal, state and administrative courts throughout North Carolina and South Carolina. Ruth helps companies and individuals navigate these very different, but highly regulated fields. In the environmental realm, she has defended municipalities, manufacturers and more in various types of environmental litigation: such as CERCLA cost recovery actions, toxic tort defense, products liability multi-district litigation involving environmental contamination, and interbasin transfer disputes.  In health care, her experience includes defending companies and individuals accused of health care fraud and abuse violations.

Ruth’s litigation experience has enabled her to develop an in-depth knowledge of regulatory issues in these fields.  In addition to large litigation cases, Ruth represents manufacturers, health care providers and other groups in front of regulatory agencies such as the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control and various state licensing boards.

Ruth earned her Juris Doctor degree from Campbell University School of Law after obtaining her bachelor’s degree in business finance from Fairleigh Dickinson University, where she played Division I volleyball as a full-scholarship athlete.