

10.26.2017 Williams Mullen Launches GovCon Perspectives Podcast

Williams Mullen’s Government Contracts Practice is pleased to announce the launch of Williams Mullen GovCon Perspectives, a new podcast dedicated to providing government contractors with key information on topics that impact the industry.

On each episode, members of the firm’s Government Contracts Practice will discuss various issues affecting government contractors. In the first episode, Will Wozniak talks with Tony Anikeeff about how to assess the likelihood of success in deciding whether to bring a bid protest.

Upcoming podcasts include:

  • Federal Cybersecurity Requirements
  • Suspension and Debarment
  • Teaming Arrangements: Pros and Cons of Teaming Agreements vs. Joint Ventures
  • Negotiating Subcontracts From Both Sides
  • CPARS From A to Z
  • Facility Security Clearances for U.S. Subsidiaries of Foreign-Owned Companies Seeking to do Business With the U.S. Government Where Access to Classified Information is Required

Every episode of Williams Mullen GovCon Perspectives will be less than 15 minutes in length and will provide listeners with the information they need to know without taking up a significant portion of their day.

Listen to the first episode below, and be sure to subscribe to Williams Mullen GovCon Perspectives using your preferred platform.=

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1. How to Assess the Likelihood of Success in Deciding Whether to Bring a Bid Protest