

04.08.2022 Kevin Pomfret Quoted in Fairfax County’s E-Bird Newsletter

Kevin Pomfret was quoted in Fairfax County Economic Development Authority’s E-Bird Newsletter in an article on the “10 reasons why Northern Virginia is a space and satellite company hub.”

In regard to public-private partnership opportunities with NASA enabling more companies to enter the space business, including in Virginia, Kevin shared the below.

“I expect this to grow, particularly as the government will continue to be a significant customer. I think that there are many businesses that are going to want to be here, either to have a significant presence here, or be headquartered here,” Kevin said. “I think both U.S. companies and foreign companies that want to get into the commercial market or sell to the government, will look at Virginia as a good place to be in order to be close to both customers and regulators.”

Click here to read the full article.