

07.27.2018 Jordan Chillon Selected for Sorensen Institute's 2018 Emerging Leaders Program

Congratulations to Jordan Chillon, Williams Mullen's Government Relations Specialist, on being selected to be a part of the Sorensen Institute's 2018 Emerging Leaders program. Jordan is one of 21 individuals selected for this year's program, which is a seven-day leadership development program that meets over the course of three months for young residents of Virginia who have worked in state government and are interested in becoming more active in public service and public policy, whether as community leaders or as elected or appointed officials in the executive or legislative branches.

This is the most prestigious program from young professionals interested in state government and many alumni have gone to be elected to Virginia's General Assembly. Currently, 25 program alumni serve in the General Assembly, including 18 in the House and seven in the Senate.

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