

06.18.2013 Growler Sales Now Permitted in North Carolina


North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed the growler legislation into law on 12 June 2013, and the law is now in effect.   As a result, businesses holding on-premises malt beverage permits, off-premises malt beverage permits, or wine shop permits, may begin selling growlers in accordance with the new law.  Click here to read the new law. 

Additionally, any person interested in starting a new business or “growler station” focused on the sale of growlers for off-premises consumption can now apply to the ABC Commission for a permit to do so.  Please let us know if we can help with starting your business or the ABC permit application process.

The North Carolina ABC Commission is seeking input from businesses and consumers regarding the adoption of new temporary and permanent rules to govern the sanitation of growlers.  If you have any suggestions with regard to proposed sanitation rules, we are happy to assist with providing that information to the ABC Commission.

To read our last legal alert on the new growler legislation prior to its passing, click here.