

04.28.2023 Carolinas Managing Partner Quoted in TBJ on Triangle M&A Market

David Paulson was quoted in a Triangle Business Journal article, “The Triangle's largest M&As – and what the future holds for dealmaking” regarding local M&A activity. In the article, David shares his predictions on the major players in the M&A space moving forward.

Specifically, he addressed the impact that corporations with cash on hand and private equity firms have on the M&A market, stating:

“I think it is those participants who will be the major players – both short term and long term. The challenge for PE firms is there is a bunch of money in private equity chasing after fewer good deals these days. They feel some pressure to put their committed funds to work. So, while they are certainly going to be more cautious, they tend to be less risk-averse than strategic investors, and their continued participation in such a significant way tends to prop up valuations.”

To read the full article, click here.