
  Winter 2022 Tax Forum Download Materials Webinar 01.26.2022 11:00am — 01.26.2022 12:00pm

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Below you will find a recording of our Winter Tax Forum where Farhad Aghdami and Anna Derewenda touched on recent tax and wealth planning updates. 

This presentation begins with an outline of the 2022 inflations adjustments related to wealth planning and a review of case law that impacts planning, including gifts of fractional interests in real estate, the application of the step-transaction doctrine, the use of a formula clause and the importance of consistency as well as having a current valuation in establishing a grantor-retained annuity trust (GRAT).

Speakers also summarized the proposed changes to tax and wealth transfer tax laws and related rates in the Build Back Better plan, what happened and their thoughts on what might be around the corner. Finally, speakers talked through tax trends in M&A transactions, including what to be mindful of if you’re dealing with an S Corporation, converting your company from an LLC to a C corporation prior to acquisition and trends in purchase agreements including deal terms and representations and warranties insurance.

Please join us for the Winter Tax Forum virtually on Wednesday, January 26.  Register here to join Farhad Aghdami and Anna Derewenda as they deliver recent tax and wealth planning updates. The two will specifically touch on:

  • Recent developments in wealth planning, including case law updates.
  • The Build Back Better plan and what might be revisited.
  • Tax trends in M&A transactions.

Continuing Education Credit
This program will be submitted for 1.0 hour of CFP and CPE credit.

Contact: Stephanie Simpson | Client Experience Manager | ssimpson@williamsmullen.com

This webinar is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice nor automatically form an attorney-client relationship with participants.