
  M&A Webinar Series - Unique Deal Issues Click Here for Materials Webinar 02.11.2020 11:00am — 02.11.2020 11:15am

In this installment of our M&A Webinar Series, Partners Anne Domozick and Forbes Thompson to gain insights on the lessons learned when negotiating deals in special situations, and the solutions you can invoke should you find yourself in the same boat. Anne and Forbes will provide real-world examples that address issues arising from the following areas:

  • Use of a Special Committee of the Board in a sale transaction 
  • Indemnification obligations in a merger transaction 

Click here for program materials

Rebecca Edwards | 804.420.6331 | redwards@williamsmullen.com

This webinar is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice nor automatically form an attorney-client relationship with participants.