
  M&A Webinar Series - The Intersection of Rep & Warranty Insurance and Delayed Closings Click Here to Download Materials Webinar 12.10.2019 11:00am — 12.10.2019 11:15am

Join Williams Mullen Partners Jon Bliley and Hal Johnson as they discuss the issues that may arise should you face a transaction with a delayed closing where a rep and warranty policy is the buyer’s sole source of indemnification.

In particular, Jon and Hal will provide:

  • A brief refresher on rep and warranty insurance
  • Implications of a breach of a representation or warranty that occurs after signing and before the closing date
  • Considerations to potentially mitigate this risk

Click here to download view a recording of the webinar or the presentation materials.

Rebecca Edwards | 804.420.6331 | redwards@williamsmullen.com

This webinar is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice nor automatically form an attorney-client relationship with participants.