
  Everything Must Go: Retail Cases in 2020 Register Here 11.10.2020 12:30pm — 11.10.2020 1:30pm

Panelists Jennifer L. McLemore of Williams Mullen and Jeremy S. Williams of Kutak Rock will discuss bankruptcy issues arising in connection with large Chapter 11 retail cases. Topics include rent deferral motions, relief from stay requests, critical vendor changes in the status quo, and strategies to address administrative insolvency from the debtors’ perspective. It is anticipated that the program will be approved for 1.0 hour of live, interactive MCLE credit.

The CLE is free for Section members and personnel from the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, U.S. Trustee’s office and Clerk’s office, but reservations are required; RSVP to spotter@richmondbar.org to receive your Zoom invitation. The non-Section member rate is $30.

Reservations must be received by November 6th; no refunds will be given after this date.

Click here for additional information.